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Calab Rare Books

Sébastian LE CLERC

Sébastian LE CLERC

Regular price $2,750.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $2,750.00 USD
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Discours touchant le point de veue, dans lequel il est prouvé que les choses qu'on voit distinctement, ne sont vues que d'un oeil.  [12], 86 pp.  Illustrated with 34 full page plates of which 9 are woodcuts and 25 are copperplate engravings.  12mo., 146 x 85 mm, bound in contemporary French mottled calf.  Paris:  Thomas Jolly, 1679. 

First Edition.  A rare book on the physiology of vision as related to artistic perspective by Sébastian Le Clerk (1637-1714), prolific author of such subjects.  A work of particular aesthetic appeal with its mixture of woodcut and engraved illustration.  A few copies contain a privilege at the end which appears to have been added to second print run, not present here or in most copies.  A fine, unsophisticated copy, with just a little wear to the foot of the spine. 

Berlin Catalogue 4723.

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