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Calab Rare Books



Regular price $975.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $975.00 USD
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(CHCl=CH) AS (Levisite) oder der einzig gerechte Krieg.  By Johannes R. Becher.  374, [2] pp.  Small 8vo., 190 x 125 mm, bound in publisher’s wrappers and dust-jacket with a photomontage by John Heartfield.  Wien: Agis, 1926.

A wonderful example of John Heartfield’s genius as designer of book covers.  Here, his photomontage provides an unnerving image of soldiers marching off in gasmasks in anticipation of chemical warfare.  A very good copy with small pieces of the dust-jacket missing from the head and tail of the spine, an old price in pen on the back cover n not within the image, but better than most given the fragile nature of the publication. 

Siepmann A 68.

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