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Calab Rare Books

Gustave DORÉ

Gustave DORÉ

Regular price $4,500.00 USD
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Histoire Dramatique, Pittoresque et Caricaturale de la Sainte Russie, D'après les Chroniquers et Historiens Nestor, Nikan, Sylvestre, Karamsin, Segur, etc... [4], 208 pp. (printed on recto only), illustrated with 500 engraved illustrations by Gustave Doré cut onto woodblocks by Sotain. 4to., 289 x 190., bound in contemporary quarter green morocco, matching marble paper covered boards. Paris: [Lacour for] J. Bry Ainé, 1854.


First edition first issue. Containing 500 surreal illustrations by Doré, this volume presents a blistering criticism of the tyranny of the Russian Czars. In the first issue as here, pages 89 and 97 have large blots of red ink, depicting “le regné d’Ivan-le-Terrible.”  The collaboration between Gustave Doré and the woodcutter Sotain represents an important moment in both artist’s development.

“Sotain began engraving for the Magasin Pittoresque, having executed for Philipon the plates to Beau Monde by Gustave Doré. The understanding that Sotain had for his art, his methods, and his ingenuity, reassured the artist for this project. In the designs of this album, Gustave Doré voluntarily multiplied the details of the images which are not usually found in such clarity” (Valmy-Baysse, Gustave Doré p. 150). 

An early marginal in stain effects the lower right of the first 5 leaves, else a fine copy.  Rare with both red in blots.

Forberg, Gustave Doré: Das graphische Werk II, pp. 900-925. Leblanc, Catalogue de l’Oeuvre Complet de Gustave Dore, p. 135.

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