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Calab Rare Books



Farber ist Leben [cover title], Ein Viertel Jahrhundert Druckfarben Fabriken Gebr. Hartmann.  Unpaginated, [16] ff.  Illustrated with a typographic frontispiece, 4 full page plates consisting of 3 high art deco images, a tipped on colour photograph, plus a double page photomontage featuring the four Hartmann’s.  Small folio, 295 x 210 mm, bound in stiff wrappers with a colour typographic design on the front cover, faux suede paste-downs and back cover.   Halle-Ammendorf: Hartmann, 1930,

A deluxe publication celebrating the 25th anniversary of the German printing ink company Gebr. Hartmann.  It is as celebration of all things art-deco, with the frontispiece being perhaps the best example.  Silver, pink and blue inks fill in the spaces created by the intertwined numbers of dates of 1905 and 1930 to great effect.  The Brother Harmann’s enthusiasm for colour is perfectly summed up by statement splashed across the cover ‘Farber ist Leben’. 

Rare, with no copies located by OCLC.  Remains of an old label mar the cover and an ex-library stamp appears below the frontispiece, else fine. 

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