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Calab Rare Books



Regular price $4,500.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4,500.00 USD
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Répertoire Chromatique. Solution raisonnée & pratique des problèmes les plus usuels dans l'étude & l'emploi des couleurs. Vingt-Neuf Tableaux en Chromos représentant 952 teintes différentes & définies groupées en plus de 600 gammes typiques.  Xii, 144, pp.  Illustrated with 29 full-page lithographic plates including the frontispiece.  Includes a transparent overlay and printed screen card.  Small Folio, 330 x 250 mm, bound in publisher’s printed wrappers in a new cloth folding box.  Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1890. 

First Edition.  A lesser known masterpiece of the genre, Lacouture’s Répertoire Chromatique sets out to find practical applications for M.E. Chevreuls famous theories (the work is dedicated to the great colour theorist).  The use of lithography is deployed masterfully with just the primary colours used to create the 953 hues found in the book.  The reader is advised within the text to keep the book closed to preserve the colours.  This must have been true of this copy, as the colours are bright and fresh. 

Uncommon, with Worldcat locating just 6 copies in the US.  This copy is found in the publisher’s wrappers and includes the transparent overlay and printed screen card, often missing.  The spine has a bit of wear with some loss at the foot, some marginal soiling and a very faint water stain appears on a few plates but not affecting the image, overall a well preserved, unsophisticated copy. 

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