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Calab Rare Books



Bor’ba za mir: Fakty i dokumenty v illiustratsiiakh i vyderzhkakh iz istorii bor’by Sovetskogo Soiuza za mir [i.e. The Struggle for Peace: Facts and Documents in Illustrations and Excerpts from the History of Soviet Struggle for Peace].  255 pp.  Illustrated throughout with photomontage.  4to., 270 x 200 mm, bound in publisher’s wrappers with large red block letters with drop shadow over black mesh on the front cover and a photomontage back cover all preserved in a slipcase which reproduces the cover illustrations and a chemise.  Moskva: Izogiz, 1932.

First Edition.  A dramatic work of Soviet propaganda which introduces itself with an unusual, poster-like cover announcing its intent.  The photomontages are dotted throughout with red borders and other red flourishes like flags and stars.  “The red colour ‘let loose’ throughout the block not only invests the spreads with greater decorativeness, but also accentuates the revolutionary content.” (Karasik/Heiting pg 130).   

All montages, the cover and title page were designed by the artist Andrei Diderikhs (1884–1942) with the artistic and technical editor being the notable photojournalist Alexander Brodsky.

One of 9800 copies, apparently issued in both hard and soft cover (as here) formats.  Aside from a professional repair to a tear on the rear cover, the book is in fine condition.  Very rare with OCLC locating just one copy at Princeton. 

Karasik & Heiting, The Soviet Photobook 1920-1941, p 130-1. 

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